This is it!
The day before the 30 For 30 Challenge begins.
My items are picked and hanging in certain spots in my closet. It was a little difficult choosing an outfit for today since I didn't want to pick any of my 30 pieces yet. Today's tasks at work include putting packets together for all of our board members for delivery tomorrow, so I wanted something comfortable since I'll be up and down in my chair all day, back and forth to the copier and printer and filing cabinet.
I do like the subtle pattern mixing between the printed tights and the polka dot belt. That makes me happy.
Notice anything different with these pictures? Different background because...(drum roll, please) - I'm using a real, honest-to-goodness camera! With a timer! I bought a card reader since my computer at work doesn't have card slots and I was able to practice using my dad's camera with the timer yesterday, so I used it for today's outfit photos.
What do you think? Better than my iPhone photos, worse than my iPhone photos, about the same, doesn't matter either way?
I really want to get a camera with a remote instead of a timer, but my dad said his isn't compatible with a remote. So. Grrr. One day...
Today's outfit:
Black Dress: RossTeal Tank: Target
Black Cardigan: RossPolka Dot Belt: Plato's Closet
Purple Lace Print Tights: Target
Black Flats: Target
Necklace: Wal-Mart
Ring: Charlotte Russe