Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In the beginning... (Daily MelWear)

Well hi!

I decided to start an outfit diary blog.  I'm going to make a STRONG attempt at posting as often as possible. Forgive me if I slack.  I'm trying, people!

Disclaimer: I am in NO way a fashion expert.  No way at all.  I've just started to read some fashion blogs in the past few months and it's become a lot of fun for me to try new things and attempt to get creative with the items that I already own. Not to mention the fact that I've discovered the joys of thrift and consignment stores!

Without further ado, here's today's outfit.  Literally today.  Photo taken this morning before rushing out the door to work. (Please excuse the wet hair - half the time I just don't have time to dry it!)

Leopard print shirt - Thrifted (Salvation Army)

Khaki skirt - Gap (pre-pregnancy!)

Blue belt - Thrifted (Plato's Closet - is that more "consigned" than thrifted?)

Nude kitten heels - Mossimo (Target)

Necklace/Earrings - Gifts

Thank you to my husband for taking these pictures for me!  They're taken on his iPhone because our camera stinks.  And it's easier for me to access the pictures through the iPhone.  Sorry the quality is awful.

I realized after putting this skirt on that it has a little stain on the front.  It almost looks like it was scorched by the sun or something.  At least it's brown so it {sort of} matches. 

And after running errands to another office a block away, I've realized how horribly this skirt rides up.  It's not fun to have to keep pulling your skirt down All. Day. Long.

All that to say...I may never wear this skirt again.  Crap - now I need to find a new khaki skirt. 


  1. The skirt riding up would annoy me too!! I guess you have a goal when you go thrift shopping now! ;) I couldn't see the stain and you look very well put together...so other than the riding...

  2. Oh, the riding. It was almost unbearable. But now I do have an EXCUSE to go shopping! :)


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